Hinterhands Puppet Company aims to create intimate performance and arts education experiences, inviting people to reflect deeply on relationship to each other, to place and to spirit. Hinterlands translates into and refers to “the lands behind.” Hinterhands refers to the seen or unseen hands behind the puppet, behind the mystery of creating, hinting at something alive.
Puppet Camp OUT
Through a series of workshops on Wednesdays from January 8, 2025 – February 26, 2025, up to ten participants will learn several forms of small-scale puppetry, explore telling their stories using puppetry and create a collaborative performance with this exploration.
The project will be led by Bart Buch, hinterhands’ Artistic Director and a queer puppet artist with 25 years of experience.
Of the program participants, youth will be 14-20 years old and adults will be 60+ years old.
Throughout the workshops, participants will develop their own story, get to know each other’s stories, learn puppet forms, receive mentorship from queer artists and puppet artists, and develop one short collaborative puppetry piece together.
On successful completion of the program, participants will earn a $100 stipend.
Workshops will happen at Pilsbury House+Theatre, 3501 Chicago Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407.

If you are interested in joining, contact Bart Buch at [email protected]

Wish Work Puppet Series
Wish Work, a program of Hinterhands Puppet Company, is puppet theatre for young audiences focused on telling stories working toward making the world the way we wish it to be. Performances will be held on Saturday mornings from 10:30AM-11:30AM. Each month will have a new show with a suggested donation of $5-$10 per person. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Scroll down for upcoming performances.
Performances are held at Open Eye Theater, 506 E 24th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55404.
We wish to do the work of hammering the stardust of our world into puppet performances and workshops for young audiences, inspiring them to shape the stardust they are given into their wishes for the future.
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Winter Wish Work Shows 2025
Dream of Owls
By Seth Eberle
January 11, 2025
In Dream of Owls, Little Theo is drifting off to sleep when he is frightened by a hooting sound. His father shows him how to overcome his fear by naming it. As Theo drifts off to sleep, he learns more and more about owls, the source of the sound, from a strangely familiar dream dragon. Will it be enough to banish his nightmare away? Dream of Owls is a show focused on owls and how to overcome your fear by learning about it.

Naughty JJ and the Carrot Soup
By Michael Sommers
January 18, 2025
The Adventure of Naughty J.J.and theCarrot Soup! With a Special Appearance by Yahoo the Gorilla!
!!!! It’s A PUPPET SHow!!!

Landsick and Ark 2.0 – Two Crankie Performances
By Monica Rojas and Nicole Rojas-Oltmanns
February 8, 2025
When Tio Pedro must leave his home, he travels out into the ocean. When it is safe to return, his niece must help him cure his mysterious illness so he can see his family again.
Ark 2.0
The Earth is flooding again, but where will the animals go now?

The Box King
By Seth Eberle
February 15, 2025
Told with hand carved marionettes and a transforming cardboard box, The Box King is a family show following two kingdoms. One with a queen and a kingdom that is clean and very well organized. One with a king and a kingdom that is incredibly forgetful but full of the happiest people you will ever meet.
These two kingdoms are joined together through the marriage of their leaders. But, what happens when the king loses the queen and cannot remember who anyone is any longer? Is putting everything and everyone into boxes the way to keep things organized, or is there more to an organized kingdom?
Conceived, Designed and Constructed by Seth Eberle
Directed by Kurt Hunter
Performed by Seth Eberle and Kallie Melvin
Music by Chase D. Burkhart
Seth Eberle is a fiscal year 2024 recipient of a Creative Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Past Wish Work Shows
Fall Wish Work Shows 2024
Adventurama! by Drag Story Hour
By Drag Story Hour
October 19, 2024
About Drag Story Hour MN:
The Drag Story Hour mission is to celebrate diverse and healthy gender expression for kids and their caring adults using the arts. Drag Artists Doña Pepa, Sid Sity and Old Man Zimmer have used stories, lip syncs, dances and puppets to empower and entertain young audiences since 2017. Follow along on Instagram @dragstoryhourmn.
About Adventurama!
Best friends Doña Pepa, Old Man Zimmer and Sid Sity meet up to read a new book, but the book reads them! Join Drag Story Hour MN for an original musical featuring a larger-than-life pop up book and original songs.

Sam and Twink
By hinterhands puppet company
November 2, 2024
There are all kinds of creatures living and part of the Cozy Bay Community, including a salmon named Sam and a starfish named Twink. The blade fish buzz around on top of the water, while the creatures under the water go about their normal routines and habits. But, Sam and Twink are different and don’t do things like the rest of their kind. Told with a triple cranky, black lights, and shadow puppets, audience members will explore cozy bay underwater and how family and community can be made.

Feathers and Strings
By Kurt Hunter
November 9, 2024
An assortment of intricate marionettes are the featured performers in this delightful, amusing and eclectic showcase. Each carefully handcrafted marionette reflects the many years that puppeteer Kurt Hunter has spent perfecting his craft. There’s truly something for everyone, young and old.

Winter 2024
Penguin in My Pocket
By Kurt Hunter Marionettes
February 3, 2024
Penguin in My Pocket tells the fun-filled and quirky tale of a penguin scientist who crash lands in the jungle when her experimental jetpack fails and how she works with an artistic monkey to find her way home. This solo-puppeteer production features marionettes, rod puppets, audience members’ puppeteering participation, and a musical concertina.
Created and performed by puppeteer and engineer Kurt Hunter, Penguin in My Pocket highlights the importance of imagination in both art and science.
Director: Laura Wilhelm
Costume Designer: Robert Graff
Composer: Arthur Clyde
Creative Consultant: Paul Mesner (assistance with painting and costuming)
Music: Kathy Hunter
*The production of Penguin in My Pocket was supported by a grant from the Jim Henson Foundation.

Wish! Wonder! Wow! Puppet Fun
February 10, 2024
Join for a series of short puppet shows created by community members! Prepare to be WOWed by goldfish, WONDER what a balloon is thinking, and WISH to make the world the way we want it to be!
If you are interested in performing, reach out to hinterhands by emailing [email protected].

Lupita Doesn’t Want to Sleep
February 17, 2024
by Julie & Gustavo Boada
This is a story about a feisty little girl who always finds a way to keep playing when it is time to go to sleep. The show highlights the joyful moments of parent-child relationships. Performed in English and Spanish.

Summer 2024
Pet Puppet Fun: Goldfish, Dogs, and more!
Short Shows with Scott Sorenson, Ona Williams, and Seth Eberle
June 8, 2024
Enjoy several short puppet shows about pets, including Norman the Goldfish, a dog that gets lost, and more! Stay after to make your own pet puppet.

The Way of the Monarch by Laurie Witzkowski
June 15, 2024
The Way of the Monarch follows the spectacular metamorphosis and migration of the monarch butterfly. This beloved creature transforms from egg to larva to caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly to international traveler. Stay after to make your own puppet .

Winter 2024
Penguin in My Pocket
By Kurt Hunter Marionettes
February 3, 2024
Penguin in My Pocket tells the fun-filled and quirky tale of a penguin scientist who crash lands in the jungle when her experimental jetpack fails and how she works with an artistic monkey to find her way home. This solo-puppeteer production features marionettes, rod puppets, audience members’ puppeteering participation, and a musical concertina.
Created and performed by puppeteer and engineer Kurt Hunter, Penguin in My Pocket highlights the importance of imagination in both art and science.
Director: Laura Wilhelm
Costume Designer: Robert Graff
Composer: Arthur Clyde
Creative Consultant: Paul Mesner (assistance with painting and costuming)
Music: Kathy Hunter
*The production of Penguin in My Pocket was supported by a grant from the Jim Henson Foundation.

Wish! Wonder! Wow! Puppet Fun
February 10, 2024
Join for a series of short puppet shows created by community members! Prepare to be WOWed by goldfish, WONDER what a balloon is thinking, and WISH to make the world the way we want it to be!
If you are interested in performing, reach out to hinterhands by emailing [email protected].

Lupita Doesn’t Want to Sleep
February 17, 2024
by Julie & Gustavo Boada
This is a story about a feisty little girl who always finds a way to keep playing when it is time to go to sleep. The show highlights the joyful moments of parent-child relationships. Performed in English and Spanish.

Fall 2023
Star Turtle
By Z Puppets Rosenschnoz
October 21 from 10:30AM-11:30AM
Join Turtle & Wabbit for a musical adventure into the Cherokee language.
Race through time and space with Dagsi Turtle & Jisdu Wabbit on their quest to help Grandmother Turtle.
Sing along and you, too, will help keep alive the Cherokee language!
This live performance by award-winning performers of Z Puppets Rosenschnoz, Chris Griffith (Cherokee Nation) and Shari Aronson also includes a sneak peek of their Star Turtle web series, nominated for “Best Family Series” and “Best Web Series” by Minnesota WebFest.
Recommended for ages 4+
The Playground Adventures of Miss Rosie Jones
By Felicia Cooper
October 28 from 10:30AM-11:30AM
Rosie Jones is a young girl whose imagination keeps getting away from her- and she trains it to come back! Along the way, Rosie asks questions of the built environment and learns about how the world works by building with simple machines. Join this new puppet adventures on the puppet playground created by puppeteer Felicia Cooper.
The Box King
By Seth Eberle
November 4 from 10:30AM-11:30AM
Told with hand carved marionettes and a transforming cardboard box, The Box King is a family show following two kingdoms.
One with a queen and a kingdom that is clean and very well organized. One with a king and a kingdom that is incredibly forgetful but full of the happiest people you will ever meet.
These two kingdoms are joined together through the marriage of their leaders. But, what happens when the king loses the queen and cannot remember who anyone is any longer? Is putting everything and everyone into boxes the way to keep things organized, or is there more to an organized kingdom?